Commandant of District Home Guards and Additional Superintendent of Police K S Sundarraj after presiding over the ‘Home Guard Day’ program held at the District Home Guard office in Madikeri recently said that In Kodagu district earlier there was an opportunity to depute 500 home guards since no one came forward to perform the duty as home guards only 187 people are working in the home guard department now. In other districts people voluntarily come forward to perform duty as home guards. In this regard, he advised that one should respect the profession and focus on making a living.
Sundarraj also informed that Rs 500 per day will be give to home guards and appreciated them saying that they perform their duties like policemen.
Sundarraj also said that home guards perform duties on festivals, fairs, special occasions and in close contact with various departments. Discipline and punctuality can be seen in home guards and in this direction, society recognizes home guards.
Speaking on the occasion, Kodagu Additional District Commissioner (ADC) R. Aishwarya said that home guards work for the good of the society. In this regard, she advised that they should take care of their health and work well.
ADC also expressed the opinion that home guards work with the police faithfully and punctually and added that this is a kind of philanthropic work.
Vishwanath, Kavan Kumar, Puttaraju, Thiagaraju, Lokesh and others from the home guard department were present on the occasion.