

The dramatic setting of the sun with all the participants standing on the historic Bethri Bridge was a tremendous sight to behold at the end of the days march. Any doubts about the Kodavas propensity to undertake a peaceful, disciplined and purposeful march was put to rest – all it required was reassuring, honest and selfless service in the approach by the organizers – which was there in abundance all throughout the four days.

People “talk” – especially when they have time to do so on a long march. So here is a snippet – it’s not that we Kodavas don’t have good leadership qualities. We have great Armed Forces leaders, reveled in Sports as Captains of teams, exceptional Corporate Professionals and Senior Government Officers – but when it comes to politics, right from 1956 to the current crop (there will always be exceptions to the rule) it’s always vote bank politics and high command diktats that come to the fore.
Apolitical Community Leadership is the foundation and platform of what is required in Kodagu, working upwards from the grassroots level and not the other way round.

After a comfortable start from The Heggade Samaja, the march continued through Gonikoppal. The crowd surging peacefully towards the 111 year old Clock Tower was incredible – disciplined, no sloganeering and one common chant of Kodavamme Balo.

The massive peaceful crowd wound its way through the town, after paying homage at the Amar Jawan War Memorial, headed to The Kodava Samaja where lunch was providedfor 3000 plus people.

Thereafter at Kadnoor Bridge, the local Beppunad Kodava Samaja welcomed the procession with much fanfare. Conspicuous by their presence, were the Chamiyal Jamma Mapilas. A further High Tea was provided at the famous Kakkotparambe Mandh.

The dramatic arrival at the Bethri Bridge with a setting sun was accentuated by a meaningful talk by Pemmudiyanda Venu Appanna on The Kodava Way If Life. Coincidentally the DYSP of South Kodagu symbolically handed over the Police charge to North Kodagu. The Police Force led by DYSP Mahesh Kumar and CI Anup Madappa were of immense help and they also praised the entire peaceful march for the way it was conducted with exemplary discipline and good behavior.

Thereafter the program concluded at Nellimani – with Murnad being close by. The Organizer’s were understandably working late into the night with preparations of crowd management for the march into Madikeri.

Once again, the involvement by everyone along the route of the Walkathon was phenomenal – gave a common sense of purpose and identity in a manner never before experienced. Another satisfying and peaceful day for all participants with more calm and peace to reign the next couple of days. The underlying theme being PEACE AND SUPPORT FROM  COMMUNITY BASHIKAS AND ALL WHO WANT TO EMBRACE THE KODAVA WAY OF LIFE WHICH HAS SERVED KODAGU WELL FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL.

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