Restraint and Mature Leadership – The Need of the Hour



CLN Editor’s Note.


For centuries, Arebhashe Gowdas of Kodagu and Kodavas/Kodava Bashikas have lived side by side in Kodagu with enviable camaraderie and true community spirit. We respected and defended the culture, on occasion fighting battles shoulder to shoulder to ward off ill-intentioned enemies/kingdoms from taking over Pommale Kodagu. The land, our ancestral worship and respect for Nature was what we lived for. Until the relatively recent influx of migrants from across the border, the communities that lived in Kodagu wore similar clothes, shared a seasonal cuisine, communicated largely in Kodava Thakk and celebrated festivals with easy bonhomie. Many temples bear witness to the Thakkame being shared to this day amongst the communities that made up the village/Keri.

The recent past has however witnessed unwanted divisive elements, at times politically motivated, to break the peace and amiable relationship between all the communities that lived in Kodagu pre-1956.

Kattemad Incident:

The recent fracas at Sree Maha Mrithyunjaya temple at Kattemad, in Madikeri taluk could well have been avoided if the Ur Thakkas and Thakkas at the temple had exercised due caution and involvement by all concerned. Wherever Thakamme is strong generally there is peaceful coexistence and progress in the rural hinterland. Instead, external influence with political overtones steered the situation and deliberately allowed the incident to get out of control. The District Administration headed by Mr. Venkat Raja held a meaningful Peace Meeting with all the community representatives and persons involved in a sensible and calm manner. Unfortunately, this was side-stepped by the Kattemad Arebhashe Gowdas and with external influence took a procession in Madikeri to submit a Memorandum to the District Authorities. The damaging aspect of this protest was the purported participation of people from outside the District – which is definitely not a precedent that should have been allowed.

Predictably numerous Kodava groups with no common agenda, voiced their concerns which needed to be tempered. Fortunately, they seem to have got their act together and are well on their way to conduct a Padyatra with peaceful intent and in a disciplined manner under one single banner of The Akhila Kodava Samaja. The social media outbursts – some provocative and irresponsible from both aggrieved sides added fuel to the fire. This has to be stopped forthwith and if necessary banned. The District Administration should take note of such social media posts and take action against the owners of such handles.

Need of the Hour:

Without taking a position or stand on anyone’s misdemeanours (that is clearly the jurisdiction of the District Administration and Law Agencies), select Community Leaders, Retired Armed Forces Personnel and Elders of those aggrieved should be brought back to the table to resolve their differences through dialogue – as essentially, we are rational and peace-loving people from both the communities – Kodava Bashikas and Arebhashe Gowdas from Kodagu. External influences should be firmly kept out of Kodagu. The need of the hour is to remain calm. The absolute disregard for authority stems from arrogance of a few divisive trouble-making elements, rumoured to have political patronage The District Administration has their job cut out and it is in everybody’s interest to settle the matter in a mature and rational manner that respects the rich cultural heritage of the land.

We need to collectively work to strengthen the foundations of Kodagu in terms of value creating opportunities of the exceptional produce that we grow, improve quality of education, medical facilities, infrastructure, focus on responsible tourism, respect/nurture/regreen our landscape and restore Kodagu to the distinction it held of being the only State (pre-merger) that had a positive budget in terms of financial prudence, honesty and integrity of Administration. All the inhabitants of the land followed tenets of Kodavaame and last but not the least nurtured the legendary leadership that we were known for who espoused the finest traditions of selfless service.

Kodava Armed Forces members have been the utmost pride and distinction of the community and the Nation. In addition to two Chiefs’ of Army Staff, this small community has provided 25 Lieutenant and Major Generals, an equivalent number of Brigadiers, 4 Air Marshals, 1 Rear Admiral, hundreds of other Officers and thousands of Soldiers. Besides Field Marshal Cariappa and General Thimayya, a few senior officers like General C N Somanna and B C Nanda have proactively involved themselves in community matters for the long term welfare and good of Kodagu. This tradition should continue. Most importantly, to quote Cariappa Ajja – A Soldier is above politics and should not believe in caste or creed”. Perhaps it is time for the District Administration and both communities to invite members of the Armed Forces – retired and serving to restore sanity, peace and a sense of harmonious community well-being to our beloved Kodagu.

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  1. I appreciate and share the very mature and balanced views expressed in the CLN editorial.
    Kodavas and Arebhashe Gowda community have lived harmoniously in Kodagu for centuries. Majority of us are small planters living in this hilly region sharing similar problems and challenges.
    Leaders from both communities should try to resolve the recent tensions between them without reacting out of proportion to the small unpleasant events.
    It is admirable that Kodava leaders have decided to express their pain in a dignified and restrained manner. I hope the other side will reciprocate the gesture and not read it as a show of strength.
    Kodagu has enough problems which should be addressed jointly by all communities without being distracted by caste animosity.

  2. I liked the approach taken in the CLN Editor’s message – very balanced assessment of the situation calling for mature dialogue for resolving an issue which could very well have been resolved at Kattemad if maturity and good sense prevailed – in Kodava culture it is called responsible and time tested Thakkame.

    What I liked in the aftermath of this unwarranted “show-of-strength” by the people who disregarded the earnest intervention by the DC for such a trivial matter, is that self-effacing young Kodavas took it upon themselves to establish solidarity amongst the Kodava Bhashikas in a calm and sensible manner. It was these younger folk who took the initiative to conduct a PEACEFUL PADYATRA under the apolitical banner of the Akhila Kodava Samaja who need to be given the right support for espousing Kodava Value system that served the land so well from time immemorial.
    Now comes the moot point – after the Padyatra what is the plan of action to sustain the tenets of Kodavaame for everyone’s benefit and the peaceful co-existence amongst all communities. Kodagu has always been a very peaceful place with cordial communal harmony. Those who come in to Kodagu must respect the age-old customs that have provided identity and prosperity to this land of ours. After all, if we went to neighbouring lands would they entertain Kodava culture being rolled out in their backyard?

    As the Editor of CLN states – the need of the hour is mature handling and restoration of what worked in Kodagu for centuries. The less said about political interventions, especially from those who move without a blink of an eyelid from Party to Party – the better. Let’s get back to basics and focus on what is best for Kodagu.

  3. My family has lived in Kodagu for over 100 years – more than 3 generations. I have studied and my best friends through school and college are Kodavas who have welcomed me to their homes, festivals and celebrations and treated me as a fellow Kodava. I have visited over 25 AineManes as a guest during Puthari, Keilpodh and various Nammes. I speak the language fluently and therefore it is not surprising to be asked – ninga daada!

    So my general reply is that I FEEL like a Kodava while being able to belong to my community as an accident of birth with equal pride. Kodavas are very hospitable and inclusive by nature – the history of Kodagu is replete with many examples of legendary hospitality.

    What the people have witnessed in Kattemad is clearly something that could have been avoided and even now matters can be resolved if the right people are involved in the rapprochement process. The District Administration is fair and responsible, with the DC being a very approachable and positive minded person. Wise counsel and a touch of humility always goes a long way in resolving such man-made issues.

    As a last reminder – in every community there will be destructive and bad elements who bring shame to the community and place. Kodagu has witnessed this in good measure with this incident and also previous misdemeanours leading to the current embroglio. This has now unnecessarily become an intricate and perplexing state of affairs. The need of the hour is mature dialogue, isolation of the trouble makers and restoration of equanimity – entirely within the realms of achievement given the existence of powerful retired and serving Armed Forces personnel. In the fullness of time I wish to share pictures of Field Marshal Cariappa and General Thimayya taken in 1948 and housed in the Army Hall of Fame at Leh Museum. It made my heart swell with pride especially when I read what was written on the portals of the Museum:


    I truly would like this to be translated in Kodagu to:


  4. Good editorial comment.

    There was no necessity in the first place for a procession to submit a petition to the DC, who had in all earnestness called for a Peace Meeting where a plan of action was agreed to by all attendees. The lack of respect for “authority” is perhaps a reflection of external political influence as evidenced by people who made their appearance from outside of Kodagu with no residential interest.

    It is but natural for the Kodava Bashikas to hold a similar response, with total peaceful intent. What is heartening is the coming together of disparate Kodava organizations under one single banner of Akhila Kodava Samaja – under an apolitical and sincere leadership of Subramani Kaveriappa, who also serves as the President of the Bhaktha Sangha at Igguthappa.

    Once these formalities are done and over with, community elders and “sincere” apolitical leaders should resolve what appears to be a non-issue. Temples have existed in Kodagu for several centuries and religious ceremonies conducted with harmonious community spirit to the day. The Kattemad incident is a curious aberration. It is also somewhat unusual to see the temple priest drawing as much attention during this sensitive time – clearly a priest’s relevance is only secondary to the obeisance with the deity by the devotees. An intermediary’s role is always to promote peace and harmony.

    In summary – the need of the hour is indeed mature interactions for lasting peace. Identify and disown divisive elements where all have co-existed with enviable bonhomie from time immemorial with mutual respect and the interest of our sacred land.

  5. Kodagu’s future should be built on progress, not conflict—focusing on economic growth, education, healthcare, and environmental preservation. The armed forces’ legacy of honor and unity must guide us. Kodagu must stand strong, rejecting any attempt to divide its people.

  6. I read and reread the Editorial several times. The approach is the right one for all the communities. It is obvious that the Kattemad incident is a man-made event with strong external political influence. This is not right nor correct for any of the communities that have lived in Kodagu peacefully – even after the merger with then Mysore State.

    We should remember that Kodava Bashikas and Kodagu have been influenced over centuries by external events – Igguthappa Temple, hundreds of Bhagwathi shrines in the villages and so on. Despite the Lingayat Rulers and the British, the essence and core of Kodava Culture was unwaveringly strong. Our family Guru Karona remains supreme in our worship and starting from the Kaimada, AineMane, Mandh – it defined the Kodava way of life. If the Thakkame was strong and thriving, the village, Keri and Nad prospered with discipline, communal harmony and legendary hospitality. Call it Kodavaame.

    Clearly the Thakkame where this problematic incident took place was weak and disparate. It is IN THE INTEREST of all Kodagu domiciled communities to respect centuries old traditions that have served the sacred land of Kodagu well.
    The way forward indeed is for elders and “select” representatives of both communities getting together and putting an end to what appears to be a problem that can be solved through dialogue and confidence/trust building measures.

  7. I have read the Editorial several times. It is balanced, suggesting a problem-solving approach, supporting an apolitical approach, encouraging the DC (who is a genuinely good person) to resolve the man-made problem through dialogue, awakening the Kodavas to talk with one voice/platform and create an agenda for preserving our culture for the next generations. My interactions with my circle of Kodava Bashikas express strong support for this approach. Problems are resolved through dialogue and rapprochement – show of strength is now done and dusted. The need of the hour is peaceful co-existence.


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