Rainfall details as on 23rd August 2024



In Kodagu district, the average rainfall in the last 24 hours as on Friday ended at 8.30 am was 3.54 mm. It had rained 0.00 mm on the same day last year.  Rainfall from January to date is 2438.77 mm, compared to 1274.90 mm during the same period last year.

Today’s average rainfall in Madikeri taluk is 1.75mm.0.00mm on the same day last year. Rainfall from January till date is 3471.52mm, compared to 2171.21mm during the same period previous year.

Today’s average rainfall in Virajpet taluk is 12.05mm, 0.00mm on the same day last year. Rainfall from January till date is 2238.15, 977.96mm during the same period previous year.

Today’s average rainfall in Somwarpet taluk is 3.40mm, 0.00mm on the same day last year. Rainfall from January till date is 2738.88mm, 1388.64 mm during the same period previous year.

Harangi Reservoir Water Level (23/08/2024) 

The maximum level of Harangi Reservoir is 2859 feet, the current water level is 2857.58feet.2858.41feet on the same day last year. Rainfall in Harangi is 919mm, last year same day 1380 mm.


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