Through the lens of this Nation 62.



Where is India Headed? Who wants to Balkanise India?

Is America paranoid about Bharat’s economic success?

Read this as the musings of an old man. Please put up with me for six minutes, for that is all it will take to read these 1000 odd words, that I have written here.  Give it an iota of CREDENCE, and research on ‘youtube’ on the various angles I have covered. Maybe I am over reacting. If so, bear with me.

Recently we saw an attack on Donald Trump, the presidential nominee of the Republican party in the U.S. My gut feeling had told me, they would try it. I had expected it, and had also heard Abhijit Chavda, (an Indian expert on Geo politics) speak of such a possibility, a few weeks ago. Because, I never considered the US a democracy. They are basically the biggest sham of democracy on this planet. In a country, where small arms are sold freely, like we sell potato chips, it was to be expected.         The U.S. elections are due in the first week of November this year. Donald Trump, may be a front runner at the moment, after the failed assassination bid on his life. Biden has stepped down from the contest and it is now Kamala Harris versus Trump. But all this can change in three months. Michelle Obama may replace Kamala Harris and take on Trump. And if ‘she’ contests, Barrack Obama, Hillery Clinton, George Soros and all their ilk will put up a real fight to stop Trump from winning. And Postal ballot or not, they’ll find a way to stop him from occupying White House. That is, “IF HE IS STILL ALIVE AFTER A FEW MORE ATTEMPTS ON HIS LIFE”.

So far, the Deep State, through their political wing has tried to put Donald Trump in jail on 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree. Donald Trump’s legal woes have now moved into the sentencing phase. We’ll have to wait and see what and how the judiciary handles it. That, is the great U.S. democracy for you, which never missed a chance to criticise all the other democracies in the world.


Just like Donald Trump, Modiji has a mind of his own and he will do only what is beneficial to his nation. During Narendra Modiji’s cancelled trip to Punjab, on 5 January 2022, I had this gut feeling and misgivings about the visit. During that aborted visit, we all saw how his security was compromised, on a fly over in Ferozepur, that was blocked by stage managed protestors of Punjab under Chief Minister Channi and his party. That was when this Jana Nayak’s and Delhi Chief Ministers popularity with Khalistan activists was at its peak.

Now, quite often we hear this same, Jan Nayak of ‘mohabbat ki dukan’ shouting, that Modiji doesn’t care about people of Manipur. And, that the Jan Nayak is concerned about people of Manipur. Fact is, he keeps going there to do the ground work for ‘George Soros and the Deep State’, who’s template to Balkanise Bharat is with him.’. They plan to create a Christian Nation with parts of ‘Myanmar, Bangladesh and Manipur’ called Kookiland. This is the larger design of the Democrats of the U.S. and the Deep State. The Jan Nayak, goes to Manipur, only to play out the toolkit game tutored during his frequent incognito visits out of India. They keep trying to draw Modiji into, Manipur, like ‘Abhimanyu was drawn into a chakravyuh, in the Mahabharat. It would be prudent for Modiji not to risk visiting Manipur as long as this unrest continues in Manipur.

Modiji’s visit to Russia and his, highly publicised bear hug to Putin has not been taken lightly by the U.S. Their famous National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan did not visit India on 17 June just like that. He came to tell India and our external affairs minister S. Jaishankar, that India’s relationship with Russia is viewed in extremely bad light by America and it’s leadership. They were warning India not to pursue its relationship with Russia in the future. Immediately after Jake Sullivan’s visit, Modiji visited Russia. Modiji, also visited Austria, which has thus far kept itself away from joining the NATO.


We often talk of various oligarchs, and how they propose to pass on the reins of power, down to their children and grandchildren in very many countries of the world. We need to focus on the oligarchs of the world and the Deep State. Now, they hold their power by virtue of the money they have amassed and the businesses they involve in, all over the world. They plan on who should hold power in which country and who should be removed from power where. And often they push countries into a state of unrest and disorder, and sometimes into civil wars, to establish their stooges as head of that state. And, if required, they also break parts of countries to form new countries that do their bidding.

And, if my reading between the lines, is not too far from the truth, the U.S. and the Oligarchs of the Deep State do not like the following.

  • They do not like the present economic rise of Bharat.
  • They do not like the recent efforts of Bharat to establish ‘India
    Middle East, European Economic Corridor’ as planned by Bharat.
  • They do not like the International North South Trade Corporation
    (INSTC) that just brought India train loads of Russian Coal for
    power generation in India.
  • They do not like the Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar
    Economic Corridor.(BCIM).

Basically, they do not like any corridors that extend Bharat’s reach into the Western or the Eastern markets. So, to cut India down to size, they plan to carve out a new nation, that would listen to their commands obediently like Pakistan. But this time they plan a Christian Nation to the east of India, made up of parts of Bangladesh, India’s eastern states and Myanmar, to make up their proposed Kukiland.

The ideas proposed above, may sound preposterous in the first reading. But if you research and read topics mentioned in greater detail, you may tend to agree with me. If you happen to agree, please share this knowledge with others who care for the future of Bharat. Let us not allow the West to meddle with our affairs again and take over Bharat, like it did centuries ago through the East India Company.

Major Biddanda Nanjappa,
Recipient of  President’s Gold Medal
Convener FMCGT Forum.
The facts and views presented are of the author.

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