Stop land conversions in Kodagu…CNC



The member of Codava National Council (CNC) under the leadership of their president N U Nachappa formed a human chain at the Clock Tower in Virajpet recentlty, as a mark of protest against massive land conversions in various parts of the district.

Speaking on the occasion Nachappa said that people should be careful of the land mafia in the district and added that some vested interests have been conspiring to stop the fight for Kodagu by Dr Subrahmanian Swamy. Some corporate houses are given immediate permission to convert the land in the prohibited zones as well. He also said that resorts have come up in regions vulnerable to landslides. The agricultural lands and “Sacred Gorve” lands are being handed over to developers. Some politically affiliated groups from Bengaluru, Thirvuvananthapuram, Chennai and Hyderabad are involved in massive land conversions, he said. Leaders BM Parvathi, M Leelavathi, M Kanthi Satish, M Chotu Kaveriyappa, M Kushalappa, M Shrinivas and others took part in the protest.

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