A workshop on child protection and cyber safety held at Madikeri



Kodagu Deputy Commissioner (DC) Dr Venkat Raja speaking after inaugurating a district-level workshop on child protection, safety and cyber safety, held at Gandhi Bhavan, Madikeri recently which was conducted on behalf of the Commission for Protection of Child Rights, New Delhi, in association with the Department of School Education and Literacy said that a learning environment should be created for the children in the school, in addition an importance has to be given for  protection and safety of children, he stressed.

DC also said that in today’s internet and mobile era, one has to be aware of the pros and cons and there is an opportunity to use it for good and restrict for the bad he added.

Dr Venkat Raja speaking furthersaid that apart from lessons, a good environment should be created in the school such as sports activities, music, literature and culture.

If children have a good environment at home and school, they will follow good habit and it will help them to engage in learning activities, he added.

National Child Rights Commission representative from Delhi Dr. Rishi Tamanna spoke about the role of child safety and protection in schools and added that children should be provided with minimum basic facilities in all schools. She suggested that for all children education must be given as the first priority and children should not be molested for any reason and they should be respected a lot.

Mobile usage will waste children’s valuable time and they cannot achieve theirgoal and attention will also be diverted. So, Dr. Rishi Tamanna said that we should be careful about cyber safety.

District Deputy Planning Coordinator Soumya Ponnappa, M.Krishnappa, Field Education Officer Prakash, Education Officer M.Mahadevaswamy, Subject Inspector Bindhu, Police Department official Sumathi spoke about child protection and safety on the occasion.

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