C.S. Arun Machiah appointed as Joint Chairman of Technical Commission of Karate India Organization



C.  S. Arun Machiah country’s renowned karate expert from Kodagu was appointed as new joint chairman of the Technical Commission of the Karate India Organization (KIO) which is under the World Karate Board, Commonwealth Karate Board and the Asian Karate Federation.

Cheppudira S. Arun Machiah, Standing Director of the World Shitorio Karate Council, is also the President of All India Shitorio Karate Organization. 

Secretary General of Karate India Organization Sanjeev Kumar Jangra, informed that the appointment was made as per the order with the approval of Bharat Sharma, President of Karate India Organization. He also said that Arun Machiah has been entrusted with a great responsibility considering the achievements he has made in Karate for the last five decades.

Along with him, Bhargav Reddy, the former captain of the Karnataka Karate team, who represented the Indian team in several championships of the World Karate Federation, and who is the general secretary of the Karnataka State Karate Association, has also been appointed as the new president of the Athletic Commission of Karate India Organization.

Arun Machiah is representing Asia and the Pacific continent globally as the Asia and Pacific Director of the World Shitario Karate Council, and is currently serving as the President of the All India Shitario Karate Association and the South India Karate Federation, the Senior Vice President of the Karate India Organization, and the President of the All Karnataka Sports Karate Association.

International Karate Referee C.S. Arun Machiah is an 8th dan black belt graduate in karate. Arun Machiah, who participated as a representative of the Indian team in the Commonwealth Karate Championship held in Birmingham, London in 2022, has previously represented the Indian team in several international championships held in many parts of the world.

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