Devika Cariapa conferred with the Times of India Author Award



Codanda Devika Cariapa was recently conferred the prestigious Times of India AutHer Award for the Best Children’s Author (Non-Fiction) 2024 at a grand ceremony in New Delhi. She won the award for her book, ‘A Children’s History of India in 100 Objects’ published by Penguin Random House India. The award sees over seven thousand entries across five categories with only four books making it to the final shortlist.

The book is a compilation of information and depictions of 100 objects that have significant relevance in Indian history from prehistoric times to modern-day India. The emphasis has been to capture India’s diversity through concise and descriptive texts and beautiful illustrations. 

Devika Cariapa has been the recipient of multiple literary awards for Children’s Literature including the Sahitya Akademi Bal Sahitya Puraskar, the Neev Book Award and The Hindu-Young World Award.

She is the daughter of Lt Gen Biddanda Chengappa Nanda and Mrs Leela Nanda and wife of  Gp Capt Codanda Chitrajit Cariapa.

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