Sadananda Gowda Mavaji assumes charge as the new president of KACSA



Sadananda Gowda Mavaji took office as the new president of Karnataka Arebhashe Culture and Sahitya Academy (KACSA) at Coffee Krupa Building in Madikeri recently. Registrar Chinnaswamy, staff members Jyoti and Shobha were present on this occasion.

Sadanand Gowda Mavaji belongs to the Mavaji family of Mandekolu village in Sullia taluk of Dakshina Kannada district. After taking charge, Mavaji went to the district administration office and met MLA of Madikeri Assembly Constituency Dr. Mantar Gowda, Kodagu Deputy Commissioner (DC) Dr Venkat Raja, ZP CEO Varnith Negi and Assistant Commissioner Vinayak Narvade. 

MLA Dr. Mantar Gowda, DC Venkat Raja, ZP CEO Varnith Negi, Assistant Commissioner Vinayak Narvade congratulated Sadananda Mavaji, the new president of KACSA.

The new President appealed to the MLAs and the DC to complete the Golden Karnataka Samuchchaya Bhavan soon.   

Chandrasekhar Peralu, Registrar Chinnaswamy, Member of Karnataka Arebashe Culture and Sahitya Academy were present on the occasion.


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