General K.S Thimayya statue reinstalled



A new renovated awe-inspiring statue of Padma Bhushan General
K S Thimayya, was unveiled in Madikeri at G T circle recently with full honours.  The statue serves as an inspiration to the younger generation to join army and to serve motherland.

General Thimayya’s statue was unveiled by Air Marshal Nanda Cariappa by offering floral tributes.  On the occasion of the unveiling of the new statue, the Kodagu District Police Department paid homage to the great General.

Former Minister M.C.Nanaiah (MCN), who was responsible for the installation of the statue of the General five decades ago, was also present on the occasion.

Madikeri Constituency MLA Dr. Mantar Gowda, Virajpet Constituency MLA A.S. Ponnanna, former MLA K.G. Bopaiah, MLC Suja Kushalappa, former MLC Veena Acchaiah, Madikeri Municipal Council President Anita Poovaiah, Colonel Kandrathanda Subbaiah, President of F.M. K.M Cariappa and General Thimayya Forum, Maj. B A Cariappa, President of   Kodagu Ex-Servicemen Association and members of the Ex-servicemen including public paid floral tributes to General’s statue.

Air Marshal Nanda Cariappa who unveiled the statue, speaking on the occasion said that General Thimayya was a great soldier who has received international accolades for his exemplary military conduct and added that throughout his life carrier, he used to say, that ‘I am an Indian first then everything else is later’. He also remembered that in 1973, when M.C Nanaiah who was the chairman of the municipality, built the statue of General K.S. Thimayya.

Speaking on the occasion Former Minister MCN said that in 1973, the statue of the General was unveiled by Field Marshal Manek Shaw and remembered that the then Union Minister S.M. Krishna’s also participated in the program, He also recalled that the state government did not exist then and the Governor Dharmaveera had given 10,000 for the installation of the statue, and the statue was built by Shilpi Wagh of Mumbai for 30,000 rupees.

MLC Suja Kushalappa speaking on the occasion said that General Thimayya is a brave soldier of the country and his philosophy is ideal for all of us.

MLA A.S. Ponnanna requested that the circle where the statue of General is located should be named after General Thimayya.

Former MLA K.G. Bopaiah said that we are all proud now after the installation of the statue of General Thimayya, a unique hero of the country and suggested that the Madikeri CMC should take a resolution to recognize this circle in his name.

Kodagu Deputy Commissioner Dr Venkat Raja speaking on the occasion said that by unveiling statue of Veerasenani General Thimayya, his life messages would inspire the next generation and thanked all those who were responsible for the reinstallation of the statue of the General.

Mantar Gowda MLA from Madikeri Constituency who presided over the meeting said that General Thimayya statue was the repaired and furnished at a cost around Rs 3.50 lakhs and the circle was rebuilt at a cost of 13.50 lakhs. He said that in the future, the police department will take necessary measures to avoid traffic jams in this circle and install CCTVs.

Before the program a grand welcome for the reinstallation vehicle which came from Mysore carrying the statue was given at  F M K.M. Cariappa circle respectfully by the MLAs and various organizations.

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